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Market Analysis of North American Gold Jewelry Market

Published 03/26/2021 by globalcommunities


USAID’s Commercially Viable Conflict-Free Gold Project, known locally as “Zahabu Safi” (Clean Gold), is a five-year program, implemented in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by Global Communities and Levin Sources. The project aims to establish a responsible, commercially viable and conflict-free ASM gold supply chain from eastern DRC. A key objective for achieving the project’s vision is to increase demand for and co-investment in responsibly sourced ASM gold from eastern DRC. The European and North American jewelry markets were identified as key potential buyers of gold from the region. In 2019 and 2020, Levin Sources conducted a gold market analysis in each geography respectively, interviewing 49 jewelers, manufacturers and responsible jewelry initiatives. The market analyses investigate demand for ASM gold, reveal motivations, barriers to and requirements for sourcing ASM gold and identify potential market actors who would be interested in engaging further with the program. This report follows on from the first market analysis report covering findings from the European jewelry market, to showcase the findings from the North American market.

View the full report here in English.
View the full report here in French.